The call for abstracts is now open! We are requesting abstracts for both workshop and educational sessions.

Workshop Proposals

Workshops will be held on Monday, August 11th and will run for 90 minutes. The workshops are intended to be highly interactive and focused on skill-building.

Educational Sessions – Abstract Proposals

Educational sessions will be held Tuesday, August 12th through Thursday August 14th. All educational sessions will be 50 minutes in length.


We are requesting abstracts in six areas that support the Medicaid Enterprise Systems Community to improve and advance the Medicaid Program. The tracks for this year are

  • Track 1: Modernizing the Medicaid Enterprise
  • Track 2: Operational Excellence and Compliance
  • Track 3: Data-Driven Decision Making and Analytics
  • Track 4: Integrated Eligibility and Enrollment (IE&E)
  • Track 5: Program Integrity, Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
  • Track 6: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Future of Medicaid: A Vision for 2030 and Beyond

Click here to learn more about the MESC 2025 Tracks, to see the detailed Themes for each Track, and to submit an abstract.

Proposals for Educational Sessions must be submitted using our online tool by 11:59 PM ET on April 11, 2025.