
Thank you for your interest in sponsorship of MESC 2024.

The industry community plays an important role in providing opportunities for conference attendees to sample and explore the latest technical developments and initiatives related to Medicaid Enterprise Systems.  Below you will find all available sponsorships for MESC 2024.

Please feel free to contact the MESC at info@mesconference.org if you have any questions regarding the conference.  We look forward to working with you in Louisville at the 2024 Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference!

Selecting Your Sponsorships

We are pleased to offer the following sponsorships for MESC 2024. All MESC 2024 sponsorships are now available through our online web store.

Unless already sold out, any sponsorship item listed in Blue is available for purchase in our online store. Note, you must be logged in to purchase sponsorships. Not currently logged in? Visit your account page to log in.

You can purchase sponsorship items by clicking on the item name, or by visiting our online web store found here (link opens in new window).

If you have questions or need additional help, please email us at info@mesconference.org

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you in Louisville!

Booth Rental – $4,150 each

Each Booth Rental Sponsorship includes:1

  • A 10’ x 10’ booth
  • A skirted table
  • Two chairs and a wastebasket
  • One (1) complimentary registration per reserved booth
  • A CVENT Lead Retrieval device, used to capture attendee contact information (one device per company; additional devices available through CVENT)
  • An 1/8-page ad (2.5”H x 3.5”W approximate size) 2,3
  • Your logo in the conference program 2,3
  • Electricity (5 amps per reserved booth) 4
  • Trash removal and nightly cleaning
  • Summary description of your organization on the MESC mobile app, and in the conference program
  • Registered attendee list sent weekly beginning in June 2024

Public Sector Participation

The participation of State and Territorial governments in the MESC is vital to its success.  Given the strain on public budgets over the past several years, we want to help decrease the travel and registration costs for our public sector partners.  We are asking for your help in this effort.

In general, travel and registration costs per participant are about $2,000.  We are accepting contributions of $500 and up towards this effort.

Contributions to this fund will not be linked to any specific State or Territory. Funds will be pooled together and made available to all States and Territories. Contributing organizations will not know whose travel is supported with these funds and will have no input on the selection process.

We will recognize any organization that contributes to this purpose in our MESC Conference Program and other methods (e.g., MESC e-news).

Please contact David Huffman at 508.365.7833 or david.huffman@nescso.org with any questions.

Meals and Breaks – Prices Vary

Meal and break sponsorships provide your organization with an opportunity to connect with all the attendees demonstrating your organization’s support of the MESC. The available Meal and Break options are:

  • Breakfast served in Hall C/E on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday – $7,500 per day
  • Lunch served in Hall C/E on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday – $13,000 (Monday) / $10,000 (Tuesday or Wednesday)
  • Two 15 min (outside the Session Rooms) on Monday – $3,500 
  • Two 45 min breaks (in the Exhibit Hall) and two 15 min breaks (outside the Session Rooms) on Tuesday – $9,000
  • One 45 min break and one 60 min break (in the Exhibit Hall) and two 15 min breaks (outside the Session Rooms) on Wednesday – $11,000
  • One 15 min (outside the Session Rooms) break and one 45 min break (location pending) on Thursday – $3,500

Included with every Meal and Break Sponsorship:

  • Signage on the Food and/or Beverage Stations
  • Signature Food Station(s) branded with your organization’s logo (45 min breaks on Tuesday and Wednesday only)
  • Summary description of your organization on the MESC mobile app, and in the conference program
  • An ¼-page ad (2.5”H x 3.5”W approximate size) and your logo in the conference program 2,3
  • Acknowledgement of your organization’s sponsorship on the MESC mobile app, and during the meal and/or break
  • Registered attendee list sent weekly beginning in June 2024

Poster Session Reception (6 Food and 4 Beverage Stations Available) – Prices Vary

On Tuesday August 22nd we will host the Poster Session Reception in the Exhibit Hall. This annual event brings together State staff from across the country to showcase a project or effort underway in their State in an informal reception environment. Sponsorships include either food or beverage stations to provide attendees placed within the Exhibit Hall.

There are six Food Stations available for sponsorship at $4,000 each. Each food station will feature a variety of Heavy Hors d’oeuvres

There are three Beverage Stations available for sponsorship at $4,500 each.

Each Poster Session Food or Beverage Sponsorship includes:

  • Acknowledgement of your organization’s sponsorship during the Poster Session, including your logo printed in the conference program
  • Signage on the food and beverage stations.
  • Registered attendee list sent weekly beginning in June 2024

Poster Session Specialty Beverage Station – $5,500 each

Three specialty beverage stations are available for sponsorships during the Tuesday evening Poster Session Reception. The specialty beverage stations will include specialty beverages selected from the catering services provider. The stations will be prominently located as close as possible to your booth space or at a mutually agreed upon location in the Exhibit Hall.

Each Poster Session Specialty Beverage Station sponsorship includes:

  • Acknowledgement of your organization’s sponsorship during the Poster Session, including your logo printed in the conference program
  • Signage on the specialty beverage station
  • Registered Attendee list sent weekly beginning in June 2024

Meditation / Quiet Room – $6,500 NEW FOR MESC 2024

New for MESC 2024 is the opportunity to sponsor a meditation / quiet room at the convention center. This special space, free from distractions and noise, is meant to provide moments of silence and inner reflection. We are also exploring the opportunity to also offer chair yoga classes in the meditation / quiet room.
Help promote the wellness of the MESC 2024 attendees while enhancing your company’s visibility through this sponsorship.

The Meditation / Quiet Room sponsorship includes:

  • An 1/8-page ad (2.5”H x 3.5”W approximate size) and your logo in the conference program.
  • Summary description of your organization on the MESC mobile app, and in the conference program.
  • Registered attendee list sent weekly beginning in June 2024.

Yoga Room – $2,000 per room NEW FOR MESC 2024

New for MESC 2024 is the opportunity to sponsor a yoga room at one of our three partner hotels (total of three rooms available). By sponsoring the early morning yoga classes at the hotels, you can help promote the wellness of the MESC 2024 attendees while enhancing your company’s visibility.

The Hotel Yoga Room sponsorship includes:

  • An 1/8-page ad (2.5”H x 3.5”W approximate size) and your logo in the conference program.
  • Summary description of your organization on the MESC mobile app, and in the conference program.
  • Registered attendee list sent weekly beginning in June 2024.

Demo Room – Prices Vary

New for MESC 2024 is three styles of Demo Rooms:

  • Premium Demo Room, located on the Main Concourse, near the Educational Session Rooms – $5,000 (limit one)
  • Demo Room (w/ Hard Walls), separated from other rooms by hard walls and cannot be combined with other rooms – $4,150 each
  • Demo Room (w/ Air Walls), separated from other rooms by air walls and can be combined with adjoining rooms – $3,750 each

SOLD OUT -The Premium and Hard Walled Demo Rooms are sold out. Email info@mesconference.org to be added to the waitlist.


  • Premium Demo Rooms are limited to one per organization.
  • The Demo Room (Hard Walls) and Demo Rooms (Air Walls) are limited to four (4) rooms total per organization.

All Demo Rooms can be arranged to accommodate 20 to 100 attendees. Other room set-up arrangements may result in additional costs to the sponsor. Demo Rooms will be available beginning on Monday August 12th at 8:00 AM, through Thursday August 15th at 11:00 AM. The demo rooms are open during conference hours only. All ancillary services will be ordered through MESC and billed to your account.

Please see the MESC 2024 Sponsor Guide for the location, style (i.e., premium, hard walls, air walls) and size of the available demo rooms.

The Demo Room Sponsorship includes:

  • Summary description of your organization on the MESC mobile app, and in the conference program
  • Virtual presence on the Virtual Attendee Hub / MESC app
  • Registered attendee list sent weekly beginning in June 2024

Advertising Opportunities – Prices Vary

The following advertising opportunities are available for inclusion in the printed program:

  • Full Page: (Inside Front or Back Cover): $7,500 (Inside Front Cover) / $7,000 (Inside Back Cover) – SOLD OUT
  • Full Page: $6,000
  • Half Page: $3,000
  • Quarter Page: $1,500
  • Eighth Page: $750

Banner ad displayed in the official MESC mobile app:

  • Daily Mobile App Banner: $3,100

Note: Banner ad displayed in the official MESC mobile app is limited to one sponsor per day. The banner ad can be static, or can link to the content of your choice:

Advertising Guidelines

Information regarding our Advertising Guidelines can be found here.


1. We are currently working on the Exhibitor Kit and Information Sheet that will give you a listing of deadlines as well other important information.  These documents should be finalized shortly and sent to you via email.
2. If you have more than one (1) booth and/or sponsorship that includes an ad, the ads can be combined into a larger ad size.  The MESC must be notified by email at info@mesconference.org if you plan to combine ads to allow sufficient time for ad placement in the conference program.
3. We need to have your ad and logo in both .eps and .jpg formats submitted no later than June 30, 2024.  Instructions for uploading your logo and ad will be emailed to the technical contact person listed on your Sponsorship Request Form.
4. Each Exhibitor will be provided with 5 amps of electricity for each booth reserved.
5. We will need your final Industry Session abstract submitted no later than June 30, 2024 in order for it to be included in the printed conference program.
6. An organizational overview included in the section in the conference program MESC mobile app that highlight the types of services that your organization offers and/or the sponsorships that you have purchased. This enhancement is available to all sponsors as part of your purchase of a booth, industry session, demo room, poster session food/beverage station, and meals (one per sponsor). The description will include placement of your logo and up to 150 words. The description and logo must be submitted no later than June 30, 2024.

Industry Sponsored Educational Session – $4,300 per session

SOLD OUT – Your Industry Sponsored Educational Session will be held in a meeting room arranged to accommodate up to approximately 200 attendees. Each session is sixty (60) minutes in length, running concurrent with the other educational session. All rooms will have a laptop, projector, and screen.

Each Industry Sponsored Educational Session includes:

  • A description of your session within the printed program and on the MESC mobile app. 5 The session description is limited to a maximum of 200 words, and will be identified with your logo and company name.
  • An 1/8-page ad (2.5”H x 3.5”W approximate size) and your logo in the conference program.
  • Summary description of your organization on the MESC mobile app, and in the conference program.
  • Registered attendee list sent weekly beginning in June 2024.
  • MESC staff provided lead scanning services and reporting on session attendance.
  • Session recorded for stream access after the conference.

Sponsored Monday Afternoon Workshop – $5,000 per workshop

SOLD OUT – This sponsorship is the opportunity to conduct a two-hour workshop to deep-dive into a Medicaid Enterprise Systems related topic of your choosing. There are three workshop slots available, with all workshops to be held on Monday morning starting at 10 AM.

Your sponsored workshop will be held in a meeting room arranged to accommodate up to approximately 150 attendees. Each workshop starts at 10 AM on Monday August 12th, and is a maximum of two (2) hours in length, running concurrent with the other educational workshops being held on Monday morning. All rooms will have a laptop, projector, and screen.

Attendees will be asked to pre-register for all Monday workshops – you will be provided a list of registered attendees prior to the start of the workshop.

Additionally, each Industry Sponsored Educational Workshop includes:

  • A description of your workshop within the printed program and on the MESC mobile app. 5 The session description is limited to a maximum of 1,000 characters (approximately 250 words), and will be identified with your logo and company name.
  • An 1/8-page ad (2.5”H x 3.5”W approximate size) and your logo in the conference program.
  • Summary description of your organization on the MESC mobile app, and in the conference program.
  • Registered attendee list sent weekly beginning in June 2024.
  • MESC staff provided lead scanning services and reporting on session attendance.

Exhibit Hall Workplace Hub – $10,000 NEW FOR MESC 2024

SOLD OUT – The Exhibit Hall Workplace Hub is the central gathering location for attendees to meet when not in educational sessions. The hub is a 30′ x 120′ space in the Exhibit Hall that includes open, casual seating areas, and private rooms with tables and chairs. The hub is available during all Exhibit Hall.

The hub will be co-branded with your organization’s logo and the MESC 2024 logo.

The Exhibit Hall Workplace Hub sponsorship includes:

  • Prominent display of your organization’s sponsorship on the Exhibit Hall Workplace Hub
  • Acknowledgement of your organization’s sponsorship, including your logo printed in the conference program
  • Summary description of your organization on the MESC mobile app, and in the conference program
  • An 1/2-page ad and your logo in the conference program
  • Registered Attendee list sent weekly beginning in June 2024

Registration Refreshment Station – $6,000 NEW FOR MESC 2024

SOLD OUT – email info@mesconference.org to be added to the waitlist.

New for MESC 2024 is the opportunity to sponsor a Barista/Espresso/Cappuccino type Refreshment Station located in close proximity to the Registration Desk. This refreshment station will be in a high traffic area, and is sure to be a very popular – don’t miss your chance to sponsor this unique opportunity!

The Registration Refreshment Station sponsorship includes:

  • Recognition of your organization’s sponsorship on the Registration Refreshment Station
  • Acknowledgement of your organization’s sponsorship, including your logo printed in the conference program
  • Summary description of your organization on the MESC mobile app, and in the conference program
  • An 1/8-page ad and your logo in the conference program
  • Registered Attendee list sent weekly beginning in June 2024

Branded Hotel Key Cards – $6,000 per hotel NEW FOR MESC 2024

SOLD OUT – email info@mesconference.org to be added to the waitlist.

New for MESC 2024 is the opportunity to brand the hotel key cards provided to attendees when they check in to one of our three affiliated hotels.
This sponsorship fee includes the design (using artwork provided by your organization) and production of the hotel key cards. Consider sponsoring the branded hotel key cards at one or all three hotels!

The Branded Hotel Key Cards sponsorship includes:

  • Summary description of your organization on the MESC mobile app, and in the conference program.
  • Registered attendee list sent weekly beginning in June 2024.

Payments and Refunds:

Requests will be held for fourteen (14) calendar days upon receipt of the completed request form. An invoice will be sent to the main contact listed on the form. Payment must be received by the invoiced date due and will serve as confirmation of your booth(s), demo room, and/or other sponsorship request.

All sponsorship and booth rental fees are NON-REFUNDABLE/NON-TRANSFERABLE, unless specified above.

Customer Service:

Please contact the MESC at info@mesconference.org or 508-365-7833 with any questions or issues.

Privacy Notice:

NESCSO and the MESC will not share information about your identity, payment amount or method of payment with external organizations.